Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Overcoming the fear to write about sensitive subject matter

Another wednesday another blog post!

I've been battling with this for quite sometime and I must say it's not easy. My next book will contain rape, murder, sex, drugs, gangs, pedophilia etc pretty much everything that isn't for an audience under the age of eighteen. Before I decided to write it as a book I wrote it out as a script. It was suppose to be episodic but I knew how risky it was going to be if someone decided to produce it so I decided to make it into a book instead. I had eight episodes written before deciding to write it as a book. But that's besides the was what I was writing which shocked me. I didn't realize how hard hitting the subject matter was until someone else read it and told me. I got to admit I was scared. It made me question why I was writing about it and I realized despite the fact of me disagreeing with what the characters I write about do I wouldn't be doing them a justice if I dumb them down. I have to keep in mind that STORY is the most important thing.

I don't agree with the actions my protagonists or antagonists would do but given the circumstances that they're in I feel that's what they would do. Okay let me share something; While I was writing a rape scene I was literally sacred at what I was writing. When watching a rape scene on screen is easy because you can cover your eyes/look away...but writing one is a whole different story. I felt gross and wanted to throw up. But when I was done and read it back to myself...that feeling of disgust is exactly the type of feeling I want the audience or the reader to feel. If I've achieved that then I've done my job.

If you're scared of what people might think of you chances are they're not going to understand. I've had people accuse me of being a homosexual because I wrote a gay couple in Vampire Pigs. Take it all with a grain of salt and focus on your story. The fear of writing something must fuel you to actually write it and once you've overcome that fear then you'll feel great about yourself.

Thanks for reading! Until next week!



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